The Big Question: Are Polar Bears Endangered?

Are polar bears endangered? In short, no, but it’s not as simple as that. They may not be currently endangered, but multiple factors are pushing them in that direction.

The polar bear population has been negatively impacted by climate change, seismic testing, toxic pollution, & oil exploration.


(of a species) seriously at risk of extinction


the state or process of a species, family, or larger group being non existent

Polar Bear’s Current Status:

Vulnerable (at risk of becoming endangered)

Factors Impacting the Polar Bear Population

Climate Change

Seismic Testing

Toxic Pollution

Oil Exploration

Climate Change

What is Climate Change?

The adjustment of the earth’s temperature over time. It is recognized as global warming or global cooling. Global warming is when average temperatures rose, while cooling means they’ve dropped. Climate change is especially concerning for colder areas, such as the Arctic.

How Does Climate Change Affect Polar Bears?

Since the beginning of global warming in the Arctic region, researchers have been concerned about the health of our polar bears. Warmer temperatures means melting sea ice and melting sea ice means less opportunities for finding food before summer seasons. Arctic temperatures are rising two times as quickly as the global average.

Decreased Sea Ice

Sea ice coverage is shrinking by nearly 4% per decade. Warmed up temperatures kickstart summer seasons earlier and earlier each year, resulting in early melting of the ice. This leaves the bears with a smaller window of which to find food.

Because of the decrease in sea ice, polar bears have had to swim for longer periods of time to find land. Sadly, this has also caused a rise in numbers of polar bears drowning.

Less opportunities to feed

Studies have shown melting sea ice has affected polar bears’ ability to find food. With summer seasons starting earlier and earlier each year, the bears are left with a small window to find food. When polar bears do not have a sufficient supply of food, they are unable to reproduce at normal rates.

Even when a cub is born, they are often killed as a result of mama needing food or starvation from lack of food. Global warming has led to an increase in baby mortality, which can lead up to extinction. It is estimated that polar bears may potentially face complete starvation and reproductive failure by 2100.

Saving Polar Bears, One Photo at a Time

Our mission is to share the beauties of the world’s largest species of bear, while simultaneously contributing to a cause.

Our site offers a variety of original, breath-taking polar bear photography. 

We donate 10% of all profits to SAVE THE POLAR BEARS!

Seismic Testing

What is Seismic Testing?

The process of seeking oil and gas reserves by use of cosmic torrents of sound. Testers can enter the ocean floor by using strong air guns. Blasts occur every 10 seconds for as long as months at a time. They gather data about what is beneath the surface.

This has the potential to devastate marine life. For the Arctic, seismic testing would take place on the coastal plain and would involve large heavy trucks to drive across the tundra.

How Does Seismic Testing Affect Polar Bears?

The equipment that is used will disrupt the area with vibrating. Specialists have claimed that there is no guarantee that any polar bears will NOT be harmed or even killed during this process.

Startles Cubs

When denning cubs are disturbed, mothers may abort from the den too early, exposing their young to things they are not prepared for. The private company that is seismic testing cannot promise to not destroy a polar bear den. When a cub is denning, they rely on their mom and the den to keep them warm, without the den, they will likely freeze to death. A mother may also abandon their young completely when startled.

Scientists have determined there is a one-in-four chance that seismic equipment will run over at least on den. This was concluded because of the amount and size of equipment necessary to perform seismic testing and the known concentration of polar bear dens in the region.

Impact of Seismic Testing on Marine Life

Saving Polar Bears, One Photo at a Time

Our mission is to share the beauties of the world’s largest species of bear, while simultaneously contributing to a cause.

Our site offers a variety of original, breath-taking polar bear photography. 

We donate 10% of all profits to SAVE THE POLAR BEARS!

Toxic Pollution

What is Toxic Pollution?

In a simple sense, toxic pollution is contaminated water, soil, or air that is harmful or poisonous. They can cause death, disease, or birth defects.

How Does it Affect Polar Bears?

When animals are exposed to these toxins, it stays within their bodies. The Arctic food chain reveals high levels of various toxic chemicals, contaminating the polar bear’s diet. This means polar bears are consuming toxic pollutants which cause death, disease, or birth defects. It also negatively impacts the polar bears’ reproduction, growth, and ability to fight off diseases.

Saving Polar Bears, One Photo at a Time

Our mission is to share the beauties of the world’s largest species of bear, while simultaneously contributing to a cause.

Our site offers a variety of original, breath-taking polar bear photography.

We donate 10% of all profits to SAVE THE POLAR BEARS!

Oil Exploration

What is Oil Exploration?

The portion of the petroleum industry that is responsible for exploring new crude oil and gas fields. This is done through the drilling of wells and the process of bringing the well’s products to the surface.

How Does it Affect Polar Bears?

The riskiest practice are offshore operations as they risk spills, leaks, regular emissions, and chemicals being drained into the ocean or on sea ice. Oil spills cause a reduced insolated effect of polar bears’ fur. These spills often contaminate polar bear prey, causing an issue upon ingestion. Ingestion causes kidney damage, liver damage, and other long-term harms. Along with the negative impact of oil leakage, the process itself can cause disturbance and destruction of habitat.

Polar Bear Mama with Twin Cubs

Saving Polar Bears, One Photo at a Time

Our mission is to share the beauties of the world’s largest species of bear, while simultaneously contributing to a cause.

Our site offers a variety of original, breath-taking polar bear photography. 

We donate 10% of all profits to SAVE THE POLAR BEARS!

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